Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Better late than never.

Every time I go away anywhere I have good intentions of recording it by writing a blog/ diary/ taking photographs. Unfortunately the minute I set foot off the plane everything goes out the window.

A good example is my recent trip to Amsterdam where I have some photographs, funnily enough I am not in any of them. I have a slight contempt for posed grinning photographs in front of landmarks. Why are people so desperate to show other people where they've been? I like to categorise photographs due to my secret OCD-like tendencies. I love to organise things and am an avid list maker. Ask me to do an itinerary and I feel like I have won the lottery. Try to take my picture and I will punch you in the face.

Anyway I digress, here is one of my favourite photographs that I took on my most recent escapade. If you want to see more check out my Flickr photos link. I was astonished at the massive number of push bikes in Amsterdam, but the Dutch have it right with the prices of fuel being hiked regularly. My next holiday will be somewhere hot...

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