Saturday, February 28, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!

Apologies for not posting for a while, I have been working hard and playing hard. I went to London recently and enjoyed wondering around a busy bustling city. Personally I wouldn't want to live there, I am not patient enough to deal with how busy the place is. But I do like having a lot of options of things to do and see!

My friends and I went to do 'The Walk of Death' at the Tower Bridge and imagined a very scary walk on glass from a very great height. Unfortunately we were very disappointed as it was not like that at all. But it was a good day out and I did enjoy taking photographs of the interesting buildings I saw while aimlessly wondering around.

I snapped this outside London Dungeon and am fascinated by it. I am sure it will inspire a dark piece of art at some point. Right now it makes me think of all sorts of things from a funeral pyre to reincarnation.

Today I am organising my workspace so I can get more designs done! I will be posting what I am currently working on very soon.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Snow memories

I was just looking through some holiday photographs and came across some I took while visiting the Grand Canyon for the first time. It was on my 24th birthday and I still remember my disappointment at not being able to see the wonders of the canyon due to the heavy fog. My birthday has a strange link with snow, even when I was born there was heavy snow. Unusual seeing as I was born on the first day of spring!

Then there was my 21st birthday where it also snowed (heavy enough to warrant my friend and I to actually wear jackets when going out clubbing). I wonder if it will snow again this year, we have had a Siberian winter the last few weeks and it will be interesting if it hits my birthday! If it does I will probably drag my friends out to build an igloo!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Curse

Relief so tangible I can taste it.
The concern has completely disappeared,
evaporated into an empty pit.
Harsh words contradicting all previous statements;
bring forth true realisation.
You can never understand truth driven by the ego,
nor love without compassion.
Just be happy and let the light flow;
pain is just temporary.
Though fuelled by angry and envy.
You cannot wish others ill
and hope to be fulfilled.
Let it go, and look within
Life isn't a game to lose or win.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sky Blue

The sky is a deep blue,
with hints of turquoise.
The sprinkling of stars are gone,
like mischievious boys
playing hide and seek.
The moon is a witness to the farce,
the beings obsessed with their toys.
Rushing, always impatient and
angered when not getting their way.
It is a mystery in this land.
Who is happy? No one can say.
Joy is in the present moment,
forgetting the past and future.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Let it snow!

Yesterday was the typical Sunday where I spent the morning pottering around the house, tidying and painting and making as I buzz from room to room. One moment I was aware of the sun streaming through the window, the next minute I look out of the window to see... yes you've guessed it... SNOW!

Few things captivate me as much as snow, just watching it fall is so relaxing. As a child I really enjoyed playing out in the snow, having snowball fights and building snow-people. Unfortunately over the years as a grown up (who drives a hundred mile round trip to work everyday) nothing fills me with dread as much as snow. Instead of the childlike awe of beautiful falling snowflakes my mind drifts to icy roads, black ice, poor visibility and general nightmare driving conditions. This realisation of my change of thinking depressed me, so today I was determined to enjoy the snow after returning home from work.

After changing into my furlined boots (fake obviously, I wouldn't hurt a fly) I took my camera and went to enjoy the fresh air and pretty scenery. I definitely managed to capture my youth when wondering around in blizzard conditions. I hardly even felt the cold, it was so much fun. The size of the snowflakes was mindboggling- oh and check out the coolest snowman ever...

If it snows a lot overnight and school is closed tomorrow then you will know what I will be doing. The British weather is notoriously unpredictable so it may rain tomorrow and all traces of snow may disappear. So if you are a snow-lover enjoy it! Anyone who has to drive please be careful, the roads are icy and black ice is everyway. Apart from that have lots of fun, I certainly intend to!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Shree Ram Krishna Centre website

Please take a wander over to the Shree Ram Krishna Centre website which I am working on at the moment. It is nowhere near complete, however the pictures in the gallery section are lovely. The Shree Ram Krishna Centre is our local temple in Loughborough and holds several memories for many people as it has been there for a long time. It has been there since I was a baby so I have a soft spot for it.

Here's to an exciting 2009!

I am not really one to make New Year resolutions, I don't believe in waiting until a certain time of year to do anything that will improve myself or my life. I do like to make plans and I have a fondness of organising things. Recently I have become very aware that life is a journey, rather than just where you bide your time till you find your destination. That would just be pointless and you wouldn't learn much. It helps being organised when juggling different interests (Yoga being the new one in the mix!). Here are some things that I want to do to this year.

Focus purely on my business
I've always juggled things, apart from a spurt in 2005 where I worked purely on my art, I have always worked in education alongside my creative work. This has worked well in the past however now I need to give fuel to this creative energy that has been suppressed due to other commitments. The value that I am delivering is diminished as my mind is on other things and this leaves me dissatisfied. This year things are going to change and it is very exciting!

This image on the left is from a series I have been working on since just before the new year called 'Ray of Light'. I really cannot seem to stop working, and it seems like a range of greetings cards is going to be made based on this work. It has been a while since I have relished working on a project for well over a month and still retained enthusiasm for it. Let's hope this sustains into other projects I work on!

Fit in fitness
Regular exercise is important, while I am imprisoned in this body I should make the most of it. I have started a 30 day trial of doing Yoga everyday. I need to get my breathing right, and balance my body and mind. It is proven that exercise reduces the risk of disease, increases longevity, helps achieve and maintain weight loss, enhances mood and is something that I should do to better my health. I am pretty good in the summer and walk a lot, however in the doom and gloom of winter I rarely do any physical activity. This is not good and must change, I also find I have more energy the more exercise I do. If I spend all day at my desk than I am shattered, therefore this one is an important goal in 2009.

Have more fun
I have already become more peaceful by moving away from materialism. Having fun involves bringing balance to your body, mind and soul. I want to do lots of photography, paint and draw in my free time, I am really enjoying revisiting Krishna's pastimes whether by watching Mahabharata or reading the Srimad-Bhagavatam. I also plan to go to the theatre more and generally find activities that expand my horizons.

Random acts of kindness
Life has been kind to me and I feel like I need to give something back. I prefer not to disclose what I do as this works best when done in secret. It is fun doing something kind with no motive at all. I was probably inspired by Amelie...