Saturday, February 28, 2009

Busy Busy Busy!

Apologies for not posting for a while, I have been working hard and playing hard. I went to London recently and enjoyed wondering around a busy bustling city. Personally I wouldn't want to live there, I am not patient enough to deal with how busy the place is. But I do like having a lot of options of things to do and see!

My friends and I went to do 'The Walk of Death' at the Tower Bridge and imagined a very scary walk on glass from a very great height. Unfortunately we were very disappointed as it was not like that at all. But it was a good day out and I did enjoy taking photographs of the interesting buildings I saw while aimlessly wondering around.

I snapped this outside London Dungeon and am fascinated by it. I am sure it will inspire a dark piece of art at some point. Right now it makes me think of all sorts of things from a funeral pyre to reincarnation.

Today I am organising my workspace so I can get more designs done! I will be posting what I am currently working on very soon.

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