Sunday, February 01, 2009

Here's to an exciting 2009!

I am not really one to make New Year resolutions, I don't believe in waiting until a certain time of year to do anything that will improve myself or my life. I do like to make plans and I have a fondness of organising things. Recently I have become very aware that life is a journey, rather than just where you bide your time till you find your destination. That would just be pointless and you wouldn't learn much. It helps being organised when juggling different interests (Yoga being the new one in the mix!). Here are some things that I want to do to this year.

Focus purely on my business
I've always juggled things, apart from a spurt in 2005 where I worked purely on my art, I have always worked in education alongside my creative work. This has worked well in the past however now I need to give fuel to this creative energy that has been suppressed due to other commitments. The value that I am delivering is diminished as my mind is on other things and this leaves me dissatisfied. This year things are going to change and it is very exciting!

This image on the left is from a series I have been working on since just before the new year called 'Ray of Light'. I really cannot seem to stop working, and it seems like a range of greetings cards is going to be made based on this work. It has been a while since I have relished working on a project for well over a month and still retained enthusiasm for it. Let's hope this sustains into other projects I work on!

Fit in fitness
Regular exercise is important, while I am imprisoned in this body I should make the most of it. I have started a 30 day trial of doing Yoga everyday. I need to get my breathing right, and balance my body and mind. It is proven that exercise reduces the risk of disease, increases longevity, helps achieve and maintain weight loss, enhances mood and is something that I should do to better my health. I am pretty good in the summer and walk a lot, however in the doom and gloom of winter I rarely do any physical activity. This is not good and must change, I also find I have more energy the more exercise I do. If I spend all day at my desk than I am shattered, therefore this one is an important goal in 2009.

Have more fun
I have already become more peaceful by moving away from materialism. Having fun involves bringing balance to your body, mind and soul. I want to do lots of photography, paint and draw in my free time, I am really enjoying revisiting Krishna's pastimes whether by watching Mahabharata or reading the Srimad-Bhagavatam. I also plan to go to the theatre more and generally find activities that expand my horizons.

Random acts of kindness
Life has been kind to me and I feel like I need to give something back. I prefer not to disclose what I do as this works best when done in secret. It is fun doing something kind with no motive at all. I was probably inspired by Amelie...

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